At the Ark at Eight
A Note from the Director
In the spring of 2013, I attended the Augenblick Mal! (One Moment, Please!) Festival in Berlin, Germany. On one of those days, I was introduced to Marion Victor, editor of the largest drama publishing house in Germany, Verlag der Autoren. We had coffee and she mentioned an award-winning play that had successfully toured all over Europe. Would I be interested to read the script? I was, and after reading it, I knew I wanted to stage it. Three penguins, a dove, and an old man. One boat, the Ark, that holds two of each species. A flood. But what if there are three penguins and only two are allowed on the Ark? What will happen to those who are not allowed on the Ark? Whose fault is it? How can they trick the dove?
At the Ark at Eight is a funny, touching, physical play with songs in which three penguins honestly deal with existential questions of friendship, loyalty, nature and the existence of God. It asks the questions any child asks at one point or another and addresses these questions playfully, without being didactic or preachy.
At the Ark at Eight exemplifies the mission of the Theatre for Youth Program: to offer quality productions that respect young people's capacity to construct meaning, both on an emotional and intellectual level. Our productions will not talk down to children, nor shy away from subjects that occupy their minds and hearts. Productions aim to be diverse and multicultural in content, casting, and design.
We wish you a great show!
Manon van de Water
Director of the Theatre for Youth Program