At the Ark at Eight
Selected Resources
Specifically for Younger Readers
Ceceri, Kathy and Shawn Braley. World Myths and Legends: 25 Projects You Can Build Yourself. Namad Press, 2010. Print.
Dellosa, Carson. Earth Science (The 100+ Series). Carson-Dellosa Publishing. 2015. Print.
Gilland, C. Hap and 4th grade students. The Great Flood. Council for Indian Education, 2007. Print.
Hall, Katharine. Polar Bears and Penguins: A Compare and Contrast Book. Mount Pleasant, SC: Sylvan Dell Publishing, 2014. Print.
McDonald, Barry J. Penguins. 2013. Kindle E-book.
Penelope, Arlon. Penguins. New York: Scholastic, 2012. Print.
Simone, Lynn. Penguins: Butlers of the Animal World (Animals of the Sea Series Book 3). 2013. Kindle E-book.
Thomas, Rick and Denise Shea. Rising Waters: A Book about Floods (Amazing Science: Weather). Picture Window Books, 2005.
Helpful Resources
Chester, Jonathan. World of the Penguin. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1996. Print.
Chepalyga, Andrei L. “The Late Glacial Great Flood in the Ponto-Caspian Basin.” The Black Sea Flood Question: Changes in
Coastline, Climate, and Human Settlement. Springer Netherlands, 2007. 119-148. Print.
Davis, Lloyd S. and John T. Darby. eds. Penguin Biology. San Diego: Academic Press, 1990. Print.
Dundes, Alan. Ed. The Flood Myth. University of California Press, 1988. Print.
Frazer, James G. The Great Flood: A Handbook of World Flood Myths. CreateSpace, 2013. Print.
Kooyman, Gerald L. Penguins: The Animal Answer Guide. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. Print.
Martin, Stephen. Penguin (Animal). London: Reaktion, 2009. Print.
Martin, Charles. Flood Legends. Master Books, 2009. Print.
Ryan, William and Walter Pitman. Noah’s Flood: The New Scientific Discoveries about the Event that Changed History. Simon &
Schuster, 2000. Print.
Schafer, Kevin. Penguin Planet: Their World, Our World. Minnetonka, Minn.: NorthWord Press, 2000. Print.
Sproul, Barbara. Primal Myths: Creation Myths Around the World. HarperOne, 1979. Print.
Yanko-Hombach, Valentina and Allan S. Gilbert, Pavel Dolukhanov. “Controversy over the great flood hypotheses in the Black
Sea in light of geological, paleontological, and archaeological evidence.” Quaternary International. Vol. 167–168 (2007). 91-113. Print.