At the Ark at Eight
The details in this sketch show the sleeping cap! You can also see how Jim has written down various ideas for faces, lines that inspire him, and color ideas!
How often do you think about what you are wearing on your feet? The difference between a webbed foot and a human foot makes quite a big difference. Look how Jim has created these fantastic flipper feet for our penguins and our dove!
Brain Storming
A Designer often jots down ideas that inspire them. Can you see the influence of coat tails in this early sketch?
A Glimpse Into the Costume Design Process
Scroll down the images to see how our Costume Designer, Jim Greco, created the design for our costumes!
The Rendering
After brain storming and trying out various ideas, a Designer will often create a rendering of their concept where they include fabric swatches. Our Penguins have to move and jump around so Jim created this look with moveable fabric (plus the velvet is really soft!!)
Sometimes a Designer knows exactly what they want for a costume! In this sketch we can already see the Dove's fabulous tail!
The Rendering
In this rendering you can see the constrast between the white and yellow fabric and the detailing in the Dove's feet. Also, how do you think the Dove will get such a bird-like shape? Can you guess how the costume was constructed?
Costumes in Action
After a lot of hard work by the members of our talented costume shop, the actors are ready to try out their costumes!