At the Ark at Eight
Make Your Own Penguin Canapés!
A canapé is a small, elegant appetizer that you can serve to your guests before lunch and dinner or as a snack anytime!
**Note: This recipe involves cutting with a sharp knife, so make sure to have a parent there to help you out **
Large black olives
Cream cheese
Wash and peel carrots, then slice them thinly.
Cut a triangle-shaped wedge out of the carrot. Don't throw the wedge away though; we'll need it later.
Take a small amount of cream cheese and mold it into a small circle about the size of a grape.
Mount the cream cheese on top of the larger slice of the carrot. This will be the body of your penguin; the carrot will be the feet.
Wash an olive and slice it in half, long ways. Then, take the two halves and place them on the sides of the cream cheese ball atop the carrot. The olives will be your penguin's wings.
Take a second olive, wash it, and cut a tiny slit in the middle, short ways.
Remember that wedge we took from the carrot? Place it in the middle of the olive so that just one point of the triangle is sticking out.
Place that olive atop the cream cheese ball, with the carrot facing the same direction as the wedge in the carrot. Now, your penguin has a head and a beak. Repeat from the first step until you have a family of penguins.
**Note: In order to keep your creations from falling apart easily, you can stick a toothpick through the top. This also makes it easier for your guests to pick up your treat! (Just make sure they know not to eat the toothpick!)
You can also jazz them up by adding a curl of carrot to make the scarf, or create your own edible accessories!**