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"The Flood"

Through the Eyes of Scientists



Was the flood possible?

The validity of the story of Noah’s ark is controversial. Still, many pieces of evidence point to several big prehistoric floods. Even if it was not the entire earth that was underwater, it is possible that a flood covered everywhere Noah could see, that is Noah’s “world.”

  • A model experiment in the clip, “Prehistoric Megastorms - Noah’s Great Flood,” gives an idea of what the flood could have looked like (from 28:20~)




















  • For more info: “Ancient Voices” (BBC Documentary on Noah's ark and the flood)






















Evidence for Great Floods: 


Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in North America (15,000 to 8,000 years ago)

Numerous glacial lake outburst floods happened during the last deglaciation, creating the dams and proglacial lakes.  Check out these helpful links for more information on various floods which changed the landscape we know today!



Underwater Evidence

Archeologists found some evidence of early human habitation 100,000 years ago in a Persian “Gulf Oasis.” This area is now underwater, suggesting the possibility that the Noah’s ark story took place around this area.


Read the Huffington Post article here or watch the video:






























Noah’s Ark Found in Turkey

A team of explorers have claimed that they found the remains of Noah’s ark on Mount Ararat, in Turkey.

Read the article here!



What did the Flood leave? 


The Effect of the flood in agriculture

Some evidence shows that early farming communities moved west due to the big flood around the Black Sea, and this spread their agriculture techniques and culture throughout Europe, which, until then, consisted mainly of hunter-gatherer communities.


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